At the University of Salford we have conducted numerous research and consultancy studies into environmental sound and vibration. For example, we have world-class expertise in the measurement of vibration and noise exposure and in the development and administration of questionnaires to determine human response. Similarly in acoustics we have carried out research into wind turbine noise and outdoor sound propagation for example. We also have excellent facilities and a track record of world class research in the area of soundscapes and human perception. Together with the Salford’s Environmental Life Sciences department we are also able to offer services in the area of Soundscape ecology and biodiversity.
The following tests are quality assured to ISO/IEC 17025:
- Sound Insulation Testing to BS EN ISO 10140-2 / BS EN ISO 717-1
- Sound Absorption to BS EN ISO 354
- Sound Absorption of Road Traffic Noise Reducing Devices to BS EN 1793-1, BS EN 1793-2 & BS EN 1793-3
- Sound Absorption of Railway Noise Barriers to BS EN 16272:2012
- Sound Insulation of Railway Noise Barriers to BS EN 16272:2012
- Sound Power to BS EN ISO 3744:2010 / BS EN 60704-2-1:2015
- UKAS Accredited Calibration Services
Other traceable standard test services we offer include:
- Sound Power Testing to BS EN ISO 3741 / BS EN ISO 3743 / BS EN ISO 3745 / BS EN ISO 3744:2010 / BS EN 60704-2-1:2015
- Impedance tube testing for normal incidence sound absorption and transmission loss
- Sound intensity methods to BS EN ISO 9614-1:2009 / BS EN ISO 9614-3:2009 / BS EN ISO 15186-3:2010
- Ventilation duct silencer testing BS EN ISO 7235:2009 / BS EN ISO 11820:1997
We also offer a broad range of non-standard measurements, diagnostic testing and R&D services including:
- Airborne sound and propagation studies
- Structure borne noise & vibration studies
- Noise source tracking/localisation
- Noise source rank ordering and treatment
Prof David Waddington
t: +44 (0)161 295 4989
e: d.c.waddington@salford.ac.uk
General Enquiries
t: +44 (0)161 295 3814
e: acoustic.testing@salford.ac.uk