Acoustic solutions for industry since 1957
The specialist commercial acoustics team at the University of Salford Acoustic Laboratories deliver innovative solutions to acoustic measurement, modelling, and development requirements across all industries. Whatever your industry, we can do the acoustics bit to make your projects sound better.
The University of Salford has been making the world sound better for over 60 years, when we performed our first commercial tests in acoustics. Since then, our internationally renowned acoustics group has developed alongside our world class acoustics facilities constantly responding to the changing needs of industry.

Our expertise in solving acoustics related measurement, modelling, and development issues for industry is unique. Our strength is in the quality and range of the service we can offer, whether it is collaborating with you to make your products quieter, providing measurement data to prove acoustic performance, modelling your acoustic system, or calibrating your equipment to give you and your customers confidence in your own measurements.
Our facilities are world class, our quality system is externally audited by UKAS to give you confidence in our accredited tests and systems, and our instrumentation is constantly upgraded guaranteeing up to date and efficient test methods.
From UKAS accredited tests to national standards, to inventive solutions for complex or unusual applications, all our services are carried out by acoustics experts with years of knowledge of solving acoustics problems, providing credentials you can trust to get it right first time.
The Team
Danny Wong-McSweeney
Centre for Acoustics of the Built Environment
t. +44 (0)161 295 2807 // 07811 779 343
e. D.B.C.Wong-McSweeney@salford.ac.uk
Sean Furlong
Zuzanna Podwinska
Will Bailey
Rick Hughes